the moment i went online, i saw many people with (tu) on their msn nicks.
this is the emoticon for tu -->

its like so cute x)

save it onto your com if you can't see. almost everybody has the (tu)
btw i've circled some of my fav. stuff in RED
and i've censored some stuff in BLACK
let me show you why we all put (tu) in front of our msn nicks:

save to read
its so funny. :
If u haven't heard already, Steve Irwin died today on the 4th of September, on the Barrier Reef, near Cairns As a sign of respect for the Australian cultural icon, place a turtle ( tu ) at the start of ur msn name, and forward this 2 everyone u know Put a turtle ( tu ) infront of your msn.
then jiaye was like. LOL. how he die one? the stingray go poke his heart? LOL
Steve Irwin is the person who does documentries i think.
anw, so,
put (tu) in front of your msn nicks today! =D
yepps. today had choir from 8am to 5 pm. o.O
woah i sing halfway can sleep le zzzzzz.....
legs are all aching now, there's still choir tomorrow and on saturday T.T
gahhh. kasar mie la gaji! [the earth is tired] its a complicated song x(
i don't find it nice at the moment, i'll hope to appreciate it sooner or later,
or else singing it every so often without enjoying it willl make me
lols. i'm done for today's post. =)) i'll update soon!
Emma =)
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